How to Start Working Out For Beginners

We all know exercise is important, but diving into fitness can seem indimidating. Here are 4 simple steps to creating a routine that you can stick to.

East tips for starting a workout regimen at home

Hey there lovely! Since I brought up taking care of yourself in the last post (if you missed it you can check it out here) let’s further that thought. Here’s something you know already- moving is important! Health wise, exercise helps lower blood pressure and lowers risk of heart disease. Just as important, exercise can help you out mentally too. When we work out our body releases happy- chemicals, like endorphins. Consistent activity can lower stress and improve your mood. Some pretty nice benefits I would say. I have been working out regular for a little over a year now and wowzers! I really didn’t think I’d be enjoying it this much. I’m still a newbie but here are my tips I’ve gathered thus far for starting a home workout program.


Don’t feel like you have to train for a marathon or that you have to go to the gym and lift to get fit (I’m a poet and I didn’t even..I’ll stop). There are so many other things to try that you might find more enjoyable. The awesome thing about working out at home is that if you want to try Zumba but have no rhythm, or if you want to attempt Barre routines but have no balance, you can try it in the privacy of tu casa and not worry about how you look. Don’t worry about other people’s opinions, though, if you’re able and willing you should totally work out amongst people and kick some serious ass.

2) Get Some Equipment

Unless you’ve got the money and space, you don’t need to go and spend 2.7 gazillion dollars on your gear. I suggest three things: a mat, shoes, and some form of weight. I purchased both my mat and a set of adjustable dumbbells at my beloved target. I use a fairly inexpensive yoga mat for both the obvious (yoga) and anything else where I need to get down on the floor. My weights were a little more expensive but definitely worth it.You could use ankle weights, a kettlebell, hell even soup cans work. Good sneaks are probably the most important, especially if you plan on running and jumping and other high impact shenanigans. I’ve always purchased shoes only on the basis of apperance, major mistake. My runs have been getting more and more uncomfortable from knee and ankle pain. In the (hopefully) near future I plan on investing in a new pair of shoes.

Basic gear for starting to work out

Basic gear for starting to workout

3) Pick a “Program” and Plan

No, you really don’t need to spend 300 dollars on a program promised to give you a “bikini body” (you already have one of those). I have never spent money on a workout regimen. If it helps you by all means, but you don’t have to fork over the dough. The internet has all sorts of quality content in the fitness department. I find myself always reaching, or rather typing, for and Millionaire Hoy’s Youtube channel. You can check out lots of free workouts on this pinterest board too. If you saw my first post, you’ll know I’m a planner. Obviously, that carries over here too; plan your workouts like you would a meeting. Pick a time and a focus and most importantly stick to it! Your bestie would hate it if you flaked on a lunch date, your health is going to be just as bummed if you skipped your workout.

4) Get Your Mind right

From this point forward, you’re going to stop saying “Exercise just isn’t my thing” or “I’ll try it once I lose 10 pounds”, okay? Just because you’re not fit now, doesn’t mean you can’t be eventually. As far as I’m aware, Brian Turner (super good resource if you want to start lifting by the way) did not come out the womb with bulging biceps and six-pack abs. IF that was the case though, I send my condolences to his mother. In all seriousness, if you want to be in shape you have to start acting like your in shape. Slide on your leggings and crawl on the treadmill if you have to, You gotta start somewhere. Change your negative thoughts ,“This is too hard”, to something more inspiring “This may be difficult now, but I know if I keep it up I’ll get better”. Repeat positive mantras to yourself -even if you don’t believe them yet- over, and over, and over. Eventually, it won’t be a forced phrase, but rather a mindset.

Have an Amazing workout for me and never give up. You are stronger than you think. Just think of the moms that lift cars off their children the next time you complain about trying a real, unmodified pushup.

Warmest regards and elated vibes,

Emily ❤

Author: Mily Janet

16 year old trying to do something productive.

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